自渡 —— Magyann2024春夏时装发布会




2023年10月14日下午13:30,Magyann2024春夏时装发布会在上海新天地太平湖公园开启,发布会以“自渡”为主题,主理人兼设计师Maggie Yan带领她的设计团队让我们见证了一段精彩纷呈的时装表演。

这一场秀从Maggie Yan本人的经历和23年伊始感受到大家情绪转变中获取方向,从Art Deco 装饰艺术中获取设计灵感。在细节上结合了Art Deco中常常出现的几何线条,同时加入了新中式的元素,把更多的空间留给色彩,将经典与年轻汇集在一场秀中,让我们切身感受了一场带着时间和情绪变化双向跨度的旅程。




Magyann Spring Summer 2024 ,Titled “自渡”


That means everyone has a cross to bear, so one must bear it by himself. “自渡” is a gradual process, there is no one who can fully define or describe it. It can not be captured, but for all your efforts, there’s a trace.

Join us on October 14th, At 01:30 pm, in Taipinghu Park ,Xintiandi, Shanghai for a fashion extravaganza featuring the “自渡” theme!  Witness the artistry of the renowned Maggie Yan ,Chief Executive Officer and Chief Designer of Magyann.

Inspired by Maggie Yan’s personal experience, Art Deco patterns and the dynamic world of fashion, We create a new harmony between geometric lines appeared in many Art Deco style patterns and new Chinese elements. It is necessary to leave more space for colors, they can create a classic and youthful energy in the atmospheres. Be part of this exclusive event, where fashion aficionados, trendsetters, and enthusiasts come together to celebrate innovation and individuality.

There is much more to see when peaking behind the dramatic curtain. To serve as a prelude, a touch of blue will unlock its doors for our souls, the colors, styles, design details and fabrics will be showcased through a series of changes, slowly tell a story about the contradiction between freedom and rules. We think the rules may have began with good intentions, but they actually aren’t that helpful. They lead to fashion myths that can smother any sense of personal style. Fashion should be about wearing what you like and what makes you feel good, and that shouldn’t come with a set of guidelines. A great outfit can be something classic and trendy, but it can also be something unique and wild.

The new season of Magyann not only retains the black, white, gray, and earth tone colors which go with everything, but also adds the “Dopamine” colors which has been popular in the past two years.  In addition to maintaining Magyann’s original flavor, such as silhouette, pleats, top stitching, etc., we aslo add more fashion prints, new Chinese elements, and silhouettes, logical develop in style and enlarge age span without compromising the holistic harmonious of Magyann.

Fashion is not necessarily about labels. It’s not about brands. It’s about something else that comes from within you. What Magyann want to express is that everyone can get happiness even from a striking dress or a set of fashion accessories. Some people go to the sea, some go to the mountains, both are good scenery.You are free to choose your own path. Follow your inner guidance to create a new life and a new world, that is the soul of  “自渡”.






2023宁波时尚节 | 广告虚位以待,时尚等你添彩

宁波市人民政府会同中国纺织工业联合会、中国服装协会、浙江省经信和信息化厅共同主办的2023宁波时尚节暨第27届宁波国际服装节,将于10月19日至21日在宁波举办。本届宁波时尚节以“潮涌东方、风尚宁波”为年度主题,为塑造时尚之都崭新形象,充分发挥展会平台功能,为企业提供全方位价值赋能,我们将开发利用展馆广告位进行视觉营销及时尚节整体氛围营造,欢迎有需要的企业、单位前来为产业助力、为时尚添彩。 展馆广告 南广场墙体 馆内墙体 东广场BOX灯箱 北广场立式广告牌 广场异形网格架 水柱旗广告 会务广告 入场券背面广告 展会证件背面广告 帆布袋广告 本届宁波时尚节启用6个展馆,展出面积4万平方米,分设时尚先锋、时尚力量、时尚链群、时尚数字等四大主题展区,另设有时尚发布和时尚消费展馆。通过时尚峰会、时尚展览、时尚论坛、时尚发布、时尚之约等五大系列活动,打造具有城市影响力和行业创造力的时尚行业会展品牌,以时尚赋能城市,以产业拥抱未来,助力宁波“全球智造创新之都”“东方滨海时尚之都”建设。 【中国服饰商情网 上海报道】著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。风险提示:本文所提到的观点仅代表个人的意见,所涉及标的不作推荐,据此买卖,风险自负。


探索当代艺术与电视之间的互动,展览将展出来自世界各地艺术家的作品 香港2023年9月29日 /美通社/ -- [...]


你的秋冬衣橱已经准备就绪了吗?抵御寒冷的同时,亦要保持风度与型格,一款契合自己风格的大衣便显得尤为重要。我们已经为你整理出了本季最值得一看的男士大衣潮流,阅读下方,即刻探索。 经典剪裁经典剪裁的大衣永远是秋冬衣橱的必备首选。采用羊毛、骆驼毛等奢华轻质的面料精心裁就,廓形简约精致,细节之处无不透露出低调的优雅。 标志性细节更加现代、随性的结构廓形,但本季设计师们在基础版型之上增添了专属于品牌的设计细节。如果想为秋冬造型增添一点休闲趣味,不妨重点考虑 Song For The Mute. 拼接趣味在设计中采用多种面料拼接或是融入运动元素,我们便可获得一个街头风十足的大衣廓形。谈到解构美学的奇妙之处,相信 Sacai i会给你属于本季的风格答案。

巴黎时装周|Noir Kei Ninomiya 2024春夏系列


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