Lectra launches the Observatory of innovation and transformation in the fashion, furniture and automotive markets

Paris, December 12, 2023 – As a leader in technology solutions accelerating the transition of fashion, furniture and automotive companies to Industry 4.0, Lectra announces the launch of its Observatory to mark its 50th anniversary. The Observatory will focus on innovations and changes in the fashion, furniture and automotive markets, to help these sectors stay informed and adapt to new opportunities. The Lectra Observatory’s first white paper on the advent of Industry 4.0 is already available online.

The Observatory should fuel and enrich collective reflection.

Lectra, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, is a strategic partner to companies in the fashion, automotive and furniture industries. The Group supplies them with software, equipment particularly for cutting fabric and leather, data management solutions, and associated services.

“Our role is to support our customers’ digital transformation by helping them to benefit from new opportunities for growth, contributing to their success, through our industrial intelligence solutions,” explains Maria Modroño, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Lectra.

“As the pace of technological innovation accelerates and integration of CSR into our business strategies becomes essential, we and our customers need more than ever to identify and decipher – or even anticipate – current and future changes. We need a variety of perspectives on the underlying trends that are impacting our activities and our value creation models. The creation of the Lectra Observatory reflects our desire to contribute to this very necessary collective reflection,” she says.

The Lectra Observatory’s work will focus as a priority on technological and industrial innovations, as well as on the economic, social and environmental transformation of the fashion, furniture and automotive markets. The work will be done in interaction with external experts, prioritizing an international approach. It will be made available free of charge to everyone, to encourage discussion and the emergence of new collaboration opportunities.

Publication of a first white paper on the impact of Industry 4.0

The first white paper of the Lectra Observatory is already available online. Entitled The rise of Industry 4.0 boosts manufacturing efficiency, it is the result of several months of work and discussions with different experts. In it, the companies Porsche Consulting, Tesca, Leisure Creations and Valerius Texteis share their vision of the major changes enabled by Industry 4.0 in their sectors.

Their viewpoints are complemented by those of a number of European and American experts: Dorothée Kohler and Jean-Daniel Weisz of French consultancy firm Kohler Consulting & Coaching; Marco Taisch, Professor at the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi) and President of the MADE in Italy Industry 4.0 skills center, and the American Jake Hall, creator of video podcast The Manufacturing Millennial.

“We’re delighted to present the first publication by our Observatory with this white paper. It provides a survey of the adoption of Industry 4.0 across the world and emphasizes its ability to connect all stakeholders in the product value chain, while also looking at the challenges still to be met by companies to optimize the opportunities opened up by the 4th great industrial revolution,” explains Maria Modroño.

For more information about the Lectra Observatory and the white paper, click here.

About Lectra:

As a major player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, Lectra contributes to the Industry 4.0 revolution with boldness and passion by providing best-in-class technologies.

The Group offers industrial intelligence solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that facilitate the digital transformation of the companies it serves. In doing so, Lectra helps its customers push boundaries and unlock their potential. The Group is proud to state that its 2,500 employees are driven by three core values: being open-minded thinkers, trusted partners and passionate innovators.

Founded in 1973, Lectra reported revenues of 522 million euros in 2022 and is listed on Euronext, where it is included in the following indices: SBF 120, CAC Mid 60, CAC Mid&Small, CAC All Shares, CAC All-Tradable, CAC Technology, EN Tech Leaders and ENT PEA-PME 150.

For more information, visit www.lectra.com.






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9月18日,广东省服装服饰行业协会、广东省服装设计师协会在2023广东时装周-秋季正式推出第四届广东纺织服装非遗推广大使。 他们作为非遗时尚传播者,积极倡导文化自信,以服装为媒介,通过不同形式将非遗项目推向市场,让更多人认知和感受到非遗独特的时尚魅力,积极探索创新非遗保育和双创发展的新路径,携手推动非遗与纺织服装产业的高质量融合发展。 蔡 彪 广东简绎服饰有限公司 总经理兼设计总监 个人简介 ■ JOOOYS品牌联合创始人兼设计总监 ■ 深圳市十佳时装设计师 ■ 时尚深圳十佳时装设计师 ■ 深圳市时装设计师协会副会长 ■ 潮州婚纱晚礼服协会常务副会长 ■ 中国服装设计师协会时装艺术委员会成员 ■ 中国纺织服装教育学会产学研委员会专家委员 2002年开始从事服装设计,19年的工作中长期与国外知名设计师合作研发设计新款,擅于分析欧美市场服装的流行趋势,设计的款式常被选登知名杂志封面, 多年的设计经验使其拥有国际视野,擅长将中西方文化融合并运用到设计中,西方立体裁剪的廓形融入中国传统工艺,用设计诠释着传统工艺与时装的融合,与时俱进。 作品介绍 本次发布作品采用的非遗元素是国家级非遗粤绣(珠绣),设计灵感来自对水的魔法化,主题是“MAGIC WATER”, 神奇的水, 如雨洒落似金丝银丝,如雪轻盈似水晶绽放,如冰雹似珠剔透…… 非遗理念 在去年的抖音数据中,非遗传承人带货成交额同比增长194%,看非遗买非遗已经逐渐成为一种潮流,随着近年来国家文化自信的提升,加大了非遗文化传承的推广力度,“非遗”越来越多的出现在当代年轻人的视野中,年轻力量一直是时尚的代言词,所以这几年国潮成为了一大潮流热点,让年轻人竞相追捧的时尚,而且非遗传承人也开始年轻化,我感觉非遗已经开始真正融入到时尚中。 工作成果 广东简绎服饰有限公司与澳门文化推广协会成立了非遗跨界时尚联合推广项目,同时启动了深圳第二届传承之美“非遗跨界时尚秀”等非遗主题展览活动,参与了第十九届中国(深圳)文化产业博览交易会-INPAPK文化创意园分会场的非遗文化区,让更多深圳的时装设计师更多的了解非遗及工艺,在过程中也跟很多商业品牌,设计师品牌有了更多的交流,达成了很多合作,并将非遗手工艺运用到他们新季的服装设计开发中。 在非遗与服装产业融合发展中我们积极推动创新设计,将非遗工艺与时装结合,产品深受欧美客户喜欢和赞赏,出口销量保持增长,同时也获得国家授予了高新技术企业,创新型中小企业,科技型中小企业等荣誉。 ■ 广东简绎服饰有限公司被列为“广东服装服饰非遗展示推广基地(深圳)” ■ 公司品牌JOOOYS获评“广东省服装服饰非遗优秀案例” 工作展望 我们是一个以创新工艺和细节化设计而被市场认可的专注设计研发型企业,在未来的发展中我们更多的运用非遗工艺,更协调更完美的融入到我们的时装中,让纺织非遗工艺成为公司品牌更加鲜明的个性化标。作为第四届广东纺织服装非遗推广大使,我的目标是将公司自有品牌JOOOYS国际化,将“中国制造”以“中国创作”走出中国,走向国际。

Teflon EcoElite™生物基防泼水剂与SHUTING QIU推出合作款风衣

上海2023年10月12日 /美通社/ -- 近日,在米兰时装周上,设计师品牌SHUTING QIU与科慕公司Teflon EcoElite™生物基防泼水剂合作款风衣亮相。设计灵感来源于设计师近期对北非和特内里费海域的探访 ,亦是向自然之美和环保致敬。 设计师巧妙地将自然魅力与艺术视野融合,打造Teflon EcoElite™&SHUTING QIU系列合作款,撷取海洋元素寄于时尚美学,传递海洋自然魅力。面料经Teflon EcoElite™生物基防泼水剂处理,其原料的60%从可再生资源中提取,并获得了蓝标(bluesign®)环保认证,以天然材质赋予服装质感,意蕴丰满,别具一格。 岛屿之境,致敬自然多样性 款式上的三维花卉装饰赋予植物以生命,俏皮的蝴蝶等元素为海岸注入了丰富趣味。穿着经Teflon EcoElite™处理的衣服,能有效防水和水性污渍,满足功能与环保双重需求,在户外也无惧风雨,赋予服装更多可能性,轻松奔赴山海,挚守蔚蓝。 共愈共生,守护一方蔚蓝 通过对自然和可持续性的深刻反思,推动可持续时尚环保的创新,强化品牌对环保时尚和环境的承诺。穿着经Teflon EcoElite™处理的衣服,经过多次洗涤后,依然能保持卓越的防污防水性能,无需费心打理,衣物耐久如新。 岛屿之梦,守护美好蔚蓝,Teflon EcoElite™与SHUTING QIU合作款,带你开启海洋环保之旅。 消息来源:科慕公司